« L’association pour le développement des langues sur le littoral dunkerquois  » has 3 main goals:

-To inform people of the local opportunities to learn foreign languages.
-To develop language teaching.
-To develop cross-cultural dialogues.

Who is concerned ?
Anyone, whether private individuals or teachers.
Schools and universities, associations and institutions involved in the business of teaching any foreign languages.
Local authorities and companies involved in international matters.

Our achievements:

1° objective : to inform people of the local opportunities to learn foreign languages:

– An annual language fair, since March  2005, with local associations and institutions,  booksstores, and national publishers.
– The brochure  » les langues vivantes sur le littoral dunkerquois  » giving all information on local associations and institutions dealing with teaching foreign languages.

 2° objective : To develop language teaching:

 -A partnership with the university of Littoral Côte d’Opale enabling people to attend language courses.
– We help to create associations to meet demand for other languages.
– Meeting of language experts.

 3° objective : to develop cross-cultural dialogues :
-We have created a data base of natives from foreign countries and people able to speak a foreign language fluently.

-We can help institutions for international venues.

– We have partnerships with local institutions and authorities.

Information :

-A web site and Facebook enable anyone to be informed of our goals and achievements.